Egyptian Society of Continuing Medical Education
The Egyptian Journal of Medical Education
About EJME
The "Egyptian Journal of Medical Education" (EJME; Egy J Med Edu), is an international, online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing medical education sciences, using the cutting edge internet technologies. All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. Publication process is totally free.
We believe that medical education research should be applied to the education community, and that it must be freely accessible to educators and educational managers. We actively encourage applied health profession education research, qualitative discussion and analysis as well as quantitatively based papers. All EJME articles are subjected to a sophisticated peer-review process and are analyzed for instances of plagiarism.
Leading the Future
We aim to become one of the highest-impact medical education journals, which, due to our reach and our Open Access policy, is an ambitious but entirely realistic goal. Articles in EJME will have more readers than many other journals with a comparable scope, and our rank among as many as 70 international competing journals will eventually reflect this. We strictly follow the international standards for the publishing process, benchmarking with the international leading figures and journals with the highest impact factors in the field.
Extending Capabilities
We also see ourselves as a forum for debate and research on both national and international medical education issues. We will therefore also consider submissions reporting or commenting on important developments and innovations in Egypt and worldwide.
As an electronic journal, EJME gives authors the opportunity to publish large data sets, large numbers of illustrations and pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links.
Publishing Policy
EJME is a freely accessible, full-text, peer-reviewed, international online journal that seeks out clear and significant contributions that furthered debates on the Egyptian and international medical educational issues. Publication of articles by EJME is dependent primarily on their validity and coherence, as judged by peer reviewers, who are also asked whether the writing is comprehensible and how interesting they consider the article to be. Education is interpreted in a wide manner and includes human development, learning, university education, formal and informal education, academic and clinical education, hospital training and lifelong learning. We publish articles from university staff members, administrators, policy-makers, and education specialists from governmental and non-governmental organizations.
The Peer Review Process
Submitted manuscripts are subject to a rigorous but speedy peer review process. This review process is designed to help authors to improve their manuscripts by giving them constructive comments on how to improve their paper, and to publish only those articles which comply to general quality criteria of a scholarly paper, especially originality, clarity, references to related work and validity of results and conclusions.
All articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically (articles are distributed in HTML form, which is generated from the submitted files). Articles will be published electronically in manuscript form. A fully structured web version, and accompanying laid out PDF, will be published immediately upon acceptance.
For purposes of confidentiality, each article is coded so that only the author and EJME editors know whose article it is. The basic review process involves the following steps:
1. Evaluation by plagiarism detection software:
IF Not plagiarized THEN go to #2 ELSE Reject
2. Initial evaluation by the Editors to determine worthiness of review:
IF worthy of review THEN at least 3 Reviewers selected, go to #3 ELSE Reject
3. Sent to reviewers:
IF paper is reviewed THEN Reports returned to Editors, go to #4 ELSE New reviewers, go to #3
4. Evaluation of reviewer's report by the Editors:
IF Publishable THEN Provisional acceptance, go to #5 ELSE go to#3 for second opinion or Reject
5. Thorough review by Editor :
IF Needs major revision THEN Returned to author, go to #6 ELSE Accepted, go to #7
6. Revised paper re-submitted to Editor-in-Chief for final consideration:
IF Requires further revision THEN sent to EJME Editor or go to #5 ELSE Accepted, go to #7
7. Prepared for publication by Online Editor and author notified for final proof read
IF Minor changes required THEN Revised by Editor, Publish ELSE Publish
Plagiarism Detection
All articles submitted to EJME for review will, as part of the review process, be subjected to plagiarism detection software in order to deter and detect possible instances of plagiarism. With the help of one of the most sophisticated software, a quickly and reliable check of the internet is made to locate suspect sites. Once suspect sites have been located, the program then visits each of these suspect sites to determine if they contain work that matches the submitted article in question. If they do, a link to that site is placed in the results file for viewing by the EJME Editor to confirm that the instance is plagiarized and not a referenced quotation. Any articles suspected of plagiarism will be automatically declined.
Copyright and Permissions
Copyrighted material allows the author to quote briefly (up to 100 words) for scholarly purposes from most published materials, providing the source is correctly cited within the manuscript. However, if the author wishes to use figures, tables, or longer quotations, written permission must be obtained from the writer or publisher to reprint the material. Under such circumstances, the author needs to provide a permission summary with manuscript submission. Written permissions must also be provided by subjects in any photographs or audio or video segments.
In addition, although linking to another site does not require permission, replication (such as "screen shots") or description of a site within the manuscript requires permission to be sought from originator of web site, including those created by students, teachers, or otherwise.
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